Kitchari 21-Day Cleanse Kit


Order your 21-Day Day Supply of Supplements & Products Today and Join Us!

  • Make sure to order your cleanse kit at least one week before your start date to allow time for delivery.

  • The cleanse is a 21-day commitment.

  • It includes the Hydration Kit and Coffee Kit!

Our 21-day Kitchari Cleanse is a Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic hybrid 21-day cleansing experience.

Chinese Medicine is the second largest and oldest continuously practiced professional medicine in the world, used by one-third of the global population.

The practice of cleansing with panchakarma (optimally twice a year) is a vital part of an Ayurvedic lifestyle. If digestion is not strong we don’t eat life, life eats us.

The health and state of our digestive system is the foundation of a good quality of life.

This 21-day nourishing cleanse improves energy, clarity and immunity, as well as giving a renewed love for life. This cleanse serves to rest and purify the digestive system, while addressing the root cause of imbalance. The entire process works to draw toxins out of the tissues and into the digestive tract so that they can be eliminated, and simultaneously removes undigested byproducts to promote overall health and balance, weight-loss, and improved vitality.

See below for a complete list of what is included (and not included) with your cleanse kit!


Order Your Cleanse Now!

Bonus & Community Support:

Membership Into Our Private Facebook Group!

Our Facebook group is for participants in the Kitchari Cleanse. It is a place where we can share information, experiences and stay connected as a supportive community!

We are committed to optimizing our health and well-being so that we can bring our life's work into the world with ease and grace!

>>> NOT INCLUDED: Your Food <<<
(but you do receive our shopping list!)

When you order the kit, you receive:

You will receive the Home Detox Kit:

+ Daily Supplements: 

+ Hydration Therapy: 

Hydration AyurvedaAde, a Natural Gatorade Kit
Sale Price:$65.00 Original Price:$88.00
Hydrating AyurvedaAde: The Ultimate Hydration Recipe Kit
Sale Price:$7.00 Original Price:$27.00
Coffee Enema Kit